Query returned 11554 results.
Flowchart-Assisted Function Analysis of Products to Support Teaching of the Exact Sciences
van der Vegte, Wilhelm Frederik; van Breemen, Ernest J. J. // 2009
To reintroduce function analysis (FA) into the curriculum of Industrial Design Engineering, we developed a systematic approach for interaction-intensive products. By strengthening the link between ...
Formal Requirement Formulation and Synthesis in System Engineering
Brace, William Ainoo; Coatanéa, Eric // 2009
Requirement engineering is a specific branch of system engineering and includes activities such as eliciting, analyzing, verifying, and implementation. In software engineering, requirement ...
Formation and Certification of Integrated Design Engineering Skills
Riel, Andreas Erik; Tichkiewitch, Serge; Grajewski, Damian; Weiss, Zenobia; Draghici, Anca; Draghici, George; Messnarz, Richard // 2009
Integrated Product Development is increasingly a challenge of understanding and predicting the complete product lifecycle, and of treating the product as a whole in all phases of development. This ...
Four Domain Model: A New Possible Innovation Model for Design for Base of the Pyramid (DFBOP)
Jiang, Jiehui; Kandachar, Prabhu // 2009
According to the World Bank (2005), there are 4 billion people living on an income less than US$3 per day and 1 billion living less than even US$1 per day. This part of the population is often called ...
Framework And Metrics For Assessing The Guidance Of Design Processes
Clevenger, Caroline Murrie; Haymaker, John Riker // 2009
Traditional precedent-based architectural design explicitly generates and analyzes very few options for very few criteria. The introduction of sustainability concerns and building information ...
From How Much to How Many: A Method to Develop Representations for Computational Synthesis
Jauregui-Becker, Juan Manuel; Tragter, Hans; van Houten, Fred J. A. M. // 2009
This paper presents "from how much to how many" as a method to parameterize artifactual routine design problems for computational synthesis. The goal is to develop representations with low ...
From practice to theory. has our design research teaching influenced our education and research practice?
Baggerud, Bjørn; Boks, Casper // 2009
In literature, design research appears to be an underexposed element of product design curricula. At NTNU's Department of Product Design, the staff has 8 years of experience with teaching the ...
From school to Higher Education; reviewing the pedagogic transfer in Product Design
Morris, Richard; Tim, Katz; Derek, Covill // 2009
Statistics taken over a period of time show little correlation between the A level scores of applicants to the BSc (Hons) Product Design courses at the University of Brighton and the subsequent ...
From Text to Design Solution: Inspiring Design Ideas with Texts
Goldschmidt, Gabriela; Litan Sever, Anat // 2009
A design is said to be as successful as the leading idea that drives it is. Mature designers make frequent use of 'stock ideas' accumulated over time and stored in memory and personal ...
Function as Metonymy
Winkelman, Paul M. // 2009
Design aids often seek to map function to form. Hierarchies offer possible models but risk emphasizing competition at the expense of more cooperative relationships. Cooperation can be seen in the ...
Function-Based Solution Retrieval and Semantic Search in Mechanical Engineering
Gaag, Andreas; Kohn, Andreas; Lindemann, Udo // 2009
Providing relevant information at the right time to the right person is a key-factor for successful products and for efficient processes in mechanical engineering. To support the information chain in ...
Functional Basis and B-Cube: Alternative or Complementary Models?
Chulvi, Vicente; Vidal, Rosario // 2009
Human beings have always tried to classify knowledge in order to manage it. A common way to structure knowledge in a hierarchical manner is by means of taxonomies. Within the context of engineering ...
Functional Modeling for TRIZ-Based Evolutionary Analyses
Cascini, Gaetano; Rotini, Federico; Russo, Davide // 2009
TRIZ literature presents several papers and even books claiming the efficiency of Altshuller’s Laws of Engineering System Evolution as a means for produce technology forecasts. Nevertheless, all the ...
Functional Vector Space
Fantoni, Gualtiero; Apreda, Riccardo; Bonaccorsi, Andrea // 2009
Recent developments in Functional Analysis witness the emergence of a new paradigm. Formal models seem destined to replace the standard taxonomical and descriptive approaches. In this paper we ...
General Systems Theory Based Integral Design Method
Zeiler, Wim; Savanovic, Perica // 2009
The paper provides insight in a specific design model, Integral Design, derived from the design model Methodical Design developed at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, in the early seventies ...
Generating Design Structure Matrices and Domain Mapping Matrices using SysML
McLellan, J. M.; Maier, J. R. A.; Fadel, G. M.; Mocko, G. M. // 2009
Give Design a Break? The Role of Incubation Periods during Idea Generation
Cardoso, Carlos Coimbra; Badke-Schaub, Petra // 2009
When tackling design problems, designers sometimes become too attached to particular ideas, either developed by them or induced by external exemplars. Inadequate adoption of features and principles ...
Global Engineering Alliance for Research and Education (GEARE) - A Comprehensive Study & Intern Abroad Program for Engineering Students
Albers, Albert; Burkardt, Norbert; Becke, Claudia // 2009
GEARE offers the possibility of internationalization for universities and students for undergraduate and for graduate students in mechanical engineering. Five distinguished universities all over the ...
Graph Grammars - A Formal Method for Dynamic Structure Transformation
Helms, B.; Eben, K.; Shea, K.; Lindemann, U. // 2009
Graph Representation of Physical Effect Networks in Conceptual Design
Graebsch, Martin; Deubzer, Frank; Lindemann, Udo // 2009
This paper proposes a graph representation of networks of physical effects for supporting generation of alternative solution in conceptual design. Physical parameters are herein understood as ...
Herausforderung Design for X (DfX)
Stöber, C.; Gruber, G.; Krehmer, H.; Stuppy, J.; Westphal, C. // 2009
Der Begriff Design for X (DfX) steht für die Bestrebungen in der Produktentwicklung die in den meisten Fällen widersprüchlichen Anforderungen an ein zu entwickelndes Produkt gleichzeitig zu ...
Hidden in Plain Sight: Affordances of Shared Models in Team Based Design
Edelman, Jonathan Antonio; Leifer, Larry; Banerjee, Banny; Sonalkar, Neeraj; Jung, Malte; Lande, Micah // 2009
Current scholarship in cognitive science and Science Technology Studies, has reconsidered the role media plays in knowledge gathering and acquisition. While the use of low-resolution physical ...
Hierarchical Affordance Modeling
Maier, Jonathan R. A.; Mocko, Gregory; Fadel, Georges M. // 2009
The theory of affordances has been adapted by the authors into a comprehensive high-level approach to design known as affordance based design. One of the features that distinguishes the affordance ...
Holistic Intellectual Property Protection of Virtual Product Models in Product Development Networks
Abramovici, Michael; Meimann, Valentin // 2009
Due to the increasing virtualization of the product development process a large amount of company-specific product know-how is stored within CAD models. The knowledge integrated in virtual models ...
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.