Query returned 11554 results.
The future-essay as a design tool
Kappel, A.; Thomsen, B. D. // 2007
The Idea Award as a Design Quality Metric: Part A, Driving Web Citations and Public Awareness
Petersen, Soren Ingomar // 2007
The Idea Award as a Design Quality Metric: Part B, Predicting Investor Valuation
Petersen, Soren Ingomar // 2007
The Idea Concept Design Process
Masur, Andrew; Salustri, Filippo A. // 2007
The Importance of the Social Context in Supporting the Innovativeness in the Front-End of Innovation
Lempiälä, Tea // 2007
The Influence and Development of Shared Mental Models in Multidisciplinary Project Teams
Bierhals, Reimer; Kohler, Petra; Badke-Schaub, Petra // 2007
The Multi-Domain-Mapping-approach and target costing
Biedermann, W.; Maurer, M.; Lindemann, U. // 2007
The Network of Knowledge in Design: a Support for a Macro Learning Organization
Sánchez, Paola; Millet, Dominique; Pardo, Jaime // 2007
The post-disciplinary digital practitioner
Malins, J.; Pengelly, J.; Marshall, J. // 2007
The presentation and testing of a design process model employed by students in final year, major projects in industrial design
Green, L. // 2007
The Product Developer: Education and Professional Role
Adamsson, Niklas; Grimheden, Martin // 2007
The projection relationship between object process models (opm) and design system matrices (DSM)
Crawley, E.; Colson, J. // 2007
The prototype is the product: exploring personal fabrication through a product design project
Morris, J. // 2007
The System Overlap Matrix – A method and tool for the systematic identification of commonality opportunities in complex technical systems
Hofstetter, W. K.; Wooster, P. D.; de Weck, O. L.; Crawley, E. F. // 2007
The Use of Concept Mapping to Support Collaborative Advanced Design Projects
Rambo, Jürgen; Schendel, Christoph; Richter, Marc // 2007
The Use of Faceted Classification in the Organisation of Engineering Design Documents
Giess, Matt D.; Wild, Peter J.; McMahon, Christopher A. // 2007
To embed or not to embed (sustainability in the curriculum), that is the question - and do we have a choice?
Humphries-Smith, T. // 2007
Today’S Requirements on Engineering Design Science
Weber, Christian; Birkhofer, Herbert // 2007
Tools for the Platform Designer’S Toolbox
Alizon, Fabrice; Marion, Tucker J.; Shooter, Steven B.; Simpson, Timothy W. // 2007
Topology Optimization in Mechatronic Systems
Albers, Albert; Ottnad, Jens; Minx, Johannes; Häußler, Pascal // 2007
Towards a Co-Evolution of the Npd-Manufacturing Interface
Smulders, Frido; Dorst, Kees // 2007
Towards a methodology for inspiring and evaluating aesthetic design solutions
Storer, I.; Lawson, R.; Page, T. // 2007
Towards a Multi-Input Model and Method Tool in Early Design Phases of the Innovation Process
Pialot, Olivier; Legardeur, Jérémy; Boujut, Jean-François // 2007
Towards An Integrated Management of Engineering Design System and Enterprise
Sperandio, Severine ; Robin, Vincent; Girard, Philippe // 2007
Boolean Searches
The following examples demonstrate some search strings that use boolean operators:
- design community
Find rows that contain at least one of the two words. - +design +community
Find rows that contain both words. - +design community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but rank rows higher if they also contain “community”. - +design -community
Find rows that contain the word “design” but not “community”. - +design ~community
Find rows that contain the word “design”, but if the row also contains the word “community”, rate it lower than if row does not. - +design +(>community <decisions)
Find rows that contain the words “design” and “community”, or “design” and “decisions” (in any order), but rank “design community” higher than “design decisions” - design*
Find rows that contain words such as “design”, “designs”, “designing”, or “designer”. - "some words"
Find rows that contain the exact phrase “some words” (for example, rows that contain “some words of wisdom” but not “some noise words”). Note that the " characters that enclose the phrase are operator characters that delimit the phrase. They are not the quotation marks that enclose the search string itself.